RESIDENTS of Park Road in Woking were out in force to celebrate the return of their long-running street party this month.

More than 100, including family and friends, plus residents of nearby Ivy Lane and Sylvan Close, joined The Big Lunch, begun in 2009 by the Eden Project to encourage people to eat with their neighbours.

This was the road’s 13th get-together, including one to celebrate a royal wedding, a sequence unhappily interrupted by last year’s event being cancelled because of COVID restrictions.

“Since the last party there have been at least 12 changes of house owners, so it was a great opportunity to meet those living close by,” Richard Hennessy, the neighbourhood watch co-ordinator, said. “We were also able to celebrate three lockdown babies.

“With COVID still around we made the party a ‘bring your own’. Some brought sandwiches, and others came along with their barbecues and cooked, to envious looks.

“The children had a great time and enjoyed cycling or scooting along the road, something they can’t normally do.

“As usual, though, the ice cream van was the highlight, and not just for the children.

“Now we’re looking forward to the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee.”