THE sister of a Woking film and TV special effects supervisor on hit TV series such as Killing EveandThe Night Manageris doing a sponsored wing walk in his memory.
Andy Collings’s last work was on the latest James Bond film, No Time to Die, but he died of motor neurone disease last November, missing the release of the film which has been delayed several times because of the pandemic. His previous films included Paddington, Rambo: Last Blood and Spooks: The Greater Good.
Andy’s sister Adele, who lives in St John’s, said he died just 16 months after receiving his diagnosis of motor neurone disease (MND).
“We didn’t expect it to happen so quickly,” Adele said.

“He was only 50 and so full of life. For something like that to happen to anyone is so cruel. It was horrendous,” she said.
Adele said she decided to do a wing walk to raise money for the MND Association and to raise awareness about the disease.
She booked it last October for May this year and was hoping that Andy would be able to watch her.
Adele set herself a target of £800 but has already raised nearly £1,300.
“My brother was an amazing man. It was his dream to work on a Bond film and he got to do it, but didn’t get to see his work,” she said.
Adele said Andy was adventurous and so she decided her fundraising effort would have to be special.
“I’ve never done anything like this before. I’m quite excited about it but will obviously be nervous on the day. Andy was pleased I was going to do it and I hope to make him proud,” she said.
Adele and Andy and their brother Anthony went to the Hermitage school and The Winston Churchill School and their parents June and Derek still live in Woking.

Johnny Rafique, a co-founder of Elements Special Effects for whom Andy worked for more than 20 years, said they both started in the industry on London’s Burning.
“Andy was the first person I wanted through the door,” Johnny said.
“He was always fun to have around and a very smart guy. His innovative solutions to problems were based in his knowledge of engineering and years of practical experience.
“He leaves a massive hole in the company and was my best friend for 20 years.”
Adele, who works in accounts for a local company, said she hopes the money she raises will go towards research to find a treatment for MND.
“It is more common than many people think and there are different strains. Some people live for many years with the disease, but others pass away quite quickly,” she said.
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