IT WAS a new year and newly cleaned streets and open spaces in Knaphill after members of the village scout group got to work.

The 1st Knaphill Scouts were unable to organise their annual group litter pick because of pandemic restrictions so they went out individually to collect discarded rubbish.

Scouts, cubs and beavers and their families usually get together on the first Saturday of the year to clean up the village. For 2021, they were challenged to do a litter pick individually near their homes.

“Sadly, we couldn't get the group together this year, but it was great to see so many of our Beavers, Cubs and Scouts continuing the tradition independently,” said group scout leader Tracey Daniell.

“The amount of litter collected was truly shocking and there was a huge amount on the roadside verges, presumably thrown out of car windows.

“The pavements and verges look a lot cleaner for the moment but, sadly, it won't be long before litter mounts up again.”

As always there were some unusual finds – Beaver Arthur discovering a two-kilogramme lifting weight and Beaver James picking up sticks of celery.

Seven-year-old Cerys commented: “I was surprised at how much litter there was. I found lots of rockets that must have been fired off on New Year’s Eve.”

Emily, aged 10, said: “It was a shame we couldn't do the litter pick together with all the other Cubs like we usually do, but it was still fun and I enjoyed doing it. I found a huge plastic marker and lots of car bumper bits.”