Knaphill Scout Group started the new year with a good turn.

Members of the group, aged from four to 14, together with leaders and parents took part in a litter-pick, clearing debris from the streets and parks of Knaphill.

As always, competition was fierce to see who could find the most interesting discarded item.

This year contenders were a frying pan, five number plates, a scooter, a clothes horse, a car bumper and shopping baskets. Squirrel Harry, five, even found a £5 note!

Beaver Samuel, six, said: “It was such fun, like finding a jackpot when you came across a load of cans and bottles.”

Scout Harry, ten, added: “It was good that there wasn’t so much litter as last year but there was still loads to collect, especially takeaway wrappers.”

Knaphill Scout Group leader Tracey Daniell said: “The new year litter-pick has become a regular event in the Scout Group calendar and the turnout was fantastic with 80 people taking part. It is surprising how much everyone enjoys it. There is a great sense of camaraderie and feeling of achievement.

“We have recently started a Squirrel section in the group and were delighted to have the four- and five-year-olds join us for the first time. It was wonderful to have so many members of the public and shopkeepers stop and congratulate us on our efforts.

“Many thanks to Kate Wilson of Woking Borough Council for lending the litter-pickers and arranging collection of the 40 bags of rubbish collected.”