THE 1st St John’s Scout Group has made an impressive start to its 6,000 miles in 60 days challenge.

Since it began last month, more than £1,200 has been raised by the children’s efforts towards a target of £6,000.

The challenge is a response to the loss of the St John’s Village Fete, which has been organised and run by the group for more than 35 years, in 2020 and again this year.

The resulting drop in income has been put at around £10,000 while the group still has to cover outgoings such as insurance and rent.

That, coupled with subs being reduced during the pandemic, has meant that the group can no longer afford some of the bigger projects it had been planning.

So to help raise funds and celebrate the 60th year of the group, children are being asked to walk cumulatively 6,000 miles in 60 days, finishing on 19 June – the day the fete would have taken place.

Children are being encouraged to record all the miles they walk, even going to school and back, and these are recorded on an app, which accumulates and shows the results against the target.

The achievement of reaching the first £1,000 was marked by drenching Beaver leader Peter Lake in ice-cold water.

For each additional £1,000, other leaders can expect further torments at the hands of the children.

* FOR more information and to donate, visit