ROYALS Allstars claimed two titles at the recent Legacy Just Believe event, held in East London.

The Woking-based Royals also won a pair of other medals as well as a special award in the competition at the Copper Box Arena, Queen Elizabeth Olympic Park.

Allstars’ manager and coach Jon Bates said: “We took our full programme to competition for the first time this season, and came away with a good set of results.

“Saturday morning saw Unicorns – aged nine to 12 – place fourth in their very tough Youth Level One division of nine teams. This was a really great result for our biggest team, comprising 25 athletes.

“After that, Corgis – aged six to eight – placed fourth out of seven teams in the Mini Prep Level One category. They were delighted, given that six of the seven team members were competing for the first time.

“Saturday afternoon saw Majesty take to the floor in Junior Level Two. Despite scoring well in their stunt sections, their pyramid did not hit cleanly and deductions left them in last place of the four teams in that division.

“Finishing off Saturday for us were Sapphires in the Junior Level One group. This was another division of nine teams, and Sapphires came in third place, scoring strongly in tumbling and dance.

“On top of this, their performance score of 9.9 out of 10 saw them take home a special award for the highest performance score of the day by any of the competing clubs.

“Sunday saw our three remaining teams compete in their respective senior divisions, for ages 15 and up.

“Monarchy and Dynasty were returning to the competition stage after their first- and second-placed finishes in December.

“But first up were Eminence, making their debut this season in the Senior Level One division. Performing confidently across all aspects, Eminence were clear winners in a division of four teams – a first victory for a team launched last season.

“Monarchy were next to compete. And despite a small deduction during the stunt section, the quality of their tumbles, dance and jumps saw them beat three other teams in the Senior Co-ed Level Three division.

“Taking home another first place for us, Monarchy continued their 100% record for this season.

“Dynasty finished off the weekend for us in style, cleanly hitting their routine in Senior Level Two and banishing memories of this competition 12 months previously, when a significant pyramid fall cost them dearly.

“Kent Cheer Academy took first place, as they had on Saturday in Unicorns’ division, but Dynasty were next with a strong second place – a result to be proud of.”

Royals’ next competitive outing will be in late March, when they go to the Legacy Dream Extreme competition in Birmingham.