East London trio The Howlers will headline The Boileroom in Guildford. Performing on Wednesday, October 9 with doors opening at 7pm.

The band will play songs from their debut album titled What You’ve Got to Lose to Win It All.

Frontman Adam said: "We are an independent band whose debut album got to 15 here in the UK and various top 10s across Europe. Without our fans that wouldn’t have been possible.”

These successes a couple of years ago would have seemed a long way off. Due to creative differences between the bandmates, a global pandemic and Adam suffering two strokes which nearly ended the band. 

But the bandmates pulled through and the recording of their debut album in a studio near Eastbourne was a cathartic experience that healed the band.

Now is the time to catch one of the UK's hottest rock bands. Tickets can be purchased at: https://tinyurl.com/Howlers-Boileroom