THE Winston Churchill School went Radio Gaga on Monday night at the official launch of their brand new radio station Radio Woking.

Founding member of The Jam, Rick Buckler, was the guest of honour on opening night, and was met by pupils, presenters and staff in the facility which now boasts four new rooms including a large studio space, a mixing room, a broadcasting room, and a lounge/green room.

“Rick was ever so good,” said Station Manager Justin Coll, who oversees the school owned Radio Woking. “The launch went exceptionally well and the student presenters did a fantastic job.”

A joint venture between HR Taylor Charitable Trust and The Winston Churchill School has paid for the new facility. EMI records have also donated £1,000 towards a new drum kit.

Mr Coll explained: “The opportunity for the students is now endless. Students and musically minded kids can record songs and broadcast live performances from our main stage so parents and members of the community can hear live shows from home – it’s all really very exciting.”

The theatre now has the capability to plug right into the broadcasting room, meaning plays, and other school events can be broadcast via Radio Woking.

The sublime acoustics of the studio are down to its ultra-modern sound proofing.

Mr Coll hopes that non-school members of the public will also make use of the equipment, and is looking forward to unsigned bands from in and around Woking getting the chance to record their songs and increase their chance of exposure and success.

Woking Mayor Anne Roberts attended the event and ceremonially cut the ribbon to officially open the broadcasting centre.