WOKING residents have banded together to set up a volunteer group to help the elderly and vulnerable during the coronavirus crisis.

“Myself and a few other people in Woking have organised it,” said Carys Keane of Mayford, one of the main organisers behind the Woking Mutual Aid group. “People want to do something to help if they can.

“I had set up a group on the Nextdoor website, to see if we could help people who were self-isolating, who might need essentials brought for them or some other help. Then on Facebook I saw Claire Heapy was doing something similar. We started talking to each other and it grew from there. We thought this would be the best way to organise a co-ordinated effort in Woking.”

Anyone who is self-isolating or in need of some practical or friendly support can contact the group on 01483-608761 or email [email protected]. They will be matched to a volunteer able to pick up shopping, walk a dog, collect prescriptions or provide a friendly phone call.

Carys said Woking Mutual Aid was in touch with other similar initiatives such as Horsell Prepared and the Knaphill, St John’s, Brookwood Volunteers Group: “We are aware of each other and covering most areas in and around Woking.”

The aim is to help neighbours in need, and to ease pressure on valuable local services during these challenging times.

“I think we have well over 300 volunteers signed up. Everyone seems to be all hands to the pumps, which shows how much people want to help their community.”

Anyone who feels they can help can also contact their Facebook group Coronavirus Woking Mutual Aid.