A POND designed to hold back water that could cause flooding in Chobham village now has its official nameboard, which credits the villager who had the idea of creating it.

The sign was installed at the weekend by the side of the James Osbourn Pond, which is at the junction of Staple Hill and Windsor Road.

The pond collects water that gathers on Chobham Common during heavy rainfall and allows restricted amounts to flow into the Burrow Hill Brook and on to the River Bourne in the village.

It was designed by the Surrey Heath borough drainage engineer, Wayne Purdon, who took up James’s suggestion for the project around five years ago.

“The idea came to me in August 2006, when I saw huge amounts of water coming off the common down Windsor Road and heading for the village, where the river was flooding the road,” said James, who has been an active Chobham Society committee member for many years.

“It’s taken a long time for the pond to be finished, but Wayne has made a good job of it and I’m pleased it’s done. Apart from its main purpose, the pond is now a pleasant spot and will look even better once the surrounding vegetation has fully recovered.”

Chobham Society’s committee suggested that pond was named after James and the nameboard was made in rustic style at Surrey Wildlife Trust’s Norbury Park traditional sawmill.