PARISH councillors are holding a public meeting for Chobham parents who have to pay for their children’s school bus pass.

Amy Moqbel and Emma Kennedy are concerned that some parents must pay while others have free school transport.

This particularly applies to pupils of Collingwood College at Camberley. Most Chobham parents are charged £13 a week for the bus service to the school, while those living in Lightwater and Bagshot, nearer the school, pay nothing.

“Children in neighbouring villages do not have to pay and we are aware some parents in Chobham are having to pay, even though the school they were assigned was not their first choice,” said Cllr Kennedy. 

“We want to give parents an opportunity to come and speak to us so we can gauge the size of the problem for the village. We’ll invite our borough and county councillors to the meeting so, hopefully, it will prove productive.”

The meeting is in the Parish Pavilion in Chobham Recreation Ground at 7pm on Wednesday, July 5.