THE Friends of Woking Community Hospital were able to minute, but not properly celebrate, reaching the organisation’s 50th year when they held their annual general meeting.

The charity, which staged the event online via Zoom, was also marking the £1million it has raised for local hospitals since it was formed in 1970.

Because of the online constrictions, the number attending the meeting was kept to little more than a quorum. The membership of around 200 was provided with an agenda and financial statements by post, with proxy forms and an invitation to raise issues.

The chairman, Jon Allan, said: “We have funded everything from beds to wet rooms, newspapers to the Bedser Hub, Christmas decorations to carol services held on the ward every year.

“We are proud to be able to continue to support the Woking Community Hospital service in any way we can to provide things for patients and staff that the NHS would not fund.

The group’s fundraising this year has been severely affected by the coronavirus. This includes cancelling a quiz evening and a plant sale at the Horsell Garden Safari, which was planned for June.

Donations would welcome on the friends’ Virgin Money Giving page, which has a link on their website,