THE Proclamation of Accession of King Charles III was read by the Mayor of Woking, Cllr Saj Hussain, in Jubilee Square on Sunday, a day after the national proclamation in London.

Standing at the top of the steps outside Christ Church, Cllr Hussain was joined in addressing the crowd by the faith leaders Imam Hafiz Hashmi, the Rev Lucy Brierley, Dr Michelle Hossein and the Rev Phil Spencer.

There was also an address by Shahid Azeem, representing the Lord-Lieutenant of Surrey.

The military were represented by 1349 (Woking) Squadron Air Cadets, led by the commanding officer, Flight Lieutenant Justin Muir, by the invitation of Woking Borough Council.

 A flight of nine cadets and three staff led the dignitaries into the square, and followed them out at the ceremony’s conclusion.

Almac Bisley Brass Band played the national anthem, followed by three cheers for HIs Majesty the King.

The ceremony was also attended by Woking MP Jonathan Lord, although Mr Lord did not speak.

He later described his sense of the occasion to the News & Mail.  “It was a great honour for me to be in Jubilee Square on Sunday with the mayor, Woking councillors and our local faith leaders for the proclamation of Charles III as our new King.

“And it was terrific that so many hundreds of people chose to make the effort to come and join us in exercising and witnessing this ancient tradition, and, as ever, the council organised everything with military precision.

“I feel sure that King Charles III will prove himself a thoughtful and popular monarch. His first address to Parliament in Westminster Hall on Monday was beautifully judged and well received. God save the King!”

Later that day, proclamations of the accession of the new King were made in Surrey Heath at Camberley, Chobham and Windlesham.

Borough mayor Helen Whitcroft read the official document outside the council offices in Knoll Road at 4.30pm, watched by Surrey Heath MP Michael Gove, councillors, council officers and members of the public.

Following the singing of the national anthem and three cheers for His Majesty, there was a blessing by the Vicar of Bagshot, the Rev Andreas Sistig.

At 5.30pm, the chairmen of Chobham and Windlesham parish councils read the proclamation to gatherings of local representatives and villagers, also singing the national anthem and raising three cheers.

“We had a very good turnout for the ceremony and people seemed to appreciate it,” said Chobham chairman Les Coombs, who read the document on the war memorial green.

“One family who attended with a three-year-old daughter told me that she would always remember the new King coming to the throne from the photos they took.”

In Windlesham, parish council chairman Helen Hansen led the ceremony by the village sign on the green in the village centre.

FOR more details and pictures of the historic proclamation, get the 15 September edition of the News & Mail, in shops now