A STRIKING image of an historic landmark has scooped first prize in a photographic competition run by Woking’s Nuffield Hospital.
Diana Uzun won £100 for her picture of Newark Priory’s ruins by the River Wey between Pyrford and Ripley.
“I visited the ruins one early cold morning. It was so picturesque with the ground covered in frost, the mist and with the sun coming up. I thought the image was irresistible and I had to photograph it,” she said.
The competition was organised as part of the hospital’s 60th anniversary this year, inviting residents to capture local scenes around the area.
“I’m an early riser and one morning I got up to a beautiful frost and thought it might make a great picture of the priory,” she said. “I was there before the sun was up, so had time to find a good spot where I could poke my lens over the bushes. I took a few shots and then the sun obliged me by lighting up the eastern face. It was freezing, but worth it.”

Diana was invited to the hospital to receive her gift voucher prize of £100 and to see her photograph enlarged and displayed in the hospital’s waiting room.
“We were very impressed with Diana’s striking image of Newark Priory and the way she managed to capture the frosty weather, the scenery and the sunshine,” said hospital director Justine Hillier. “It’s such an atmospheric picture and must have taken great patience and skill.
“We are planning to display other entries as well for patients, staff and consultants to enjoy as they move around the hospital.”
Diana, who has lived locally for more than 20 years, the last 12 in Horsell and at Westfield before that, has always enjoyed photography.
“My first camera was in the mid-70s. I bought it for my travels around Europe and used college darkrooms to develop the film,” she said. “It’s just continued from there. I’ve been a wildlife gardener for several years so end up taking a lot of pictures of insects, but enjoy being creative too, both in camera and in post-production.”