CHOBHAM Carnival takes place on Sunday, the village’s biggest event of the year moving to the end of summer from its regular May Day Bank Holiday date.

The pandemic forced the show to be cancelled in 2020 and then postponed this year, but the organisers have lined up attractions and entertainment in keeping with past events.

COVID-19, along with the time of year, has meant there will be no procession, but the fete and a funfair will fill the village recreation ground.

“We decided we had to go ahead with a carnival of some sort this year, as there has been so little happening for people to get out and enjoy for months,” said Chobham Carnival Association chairman Dave Took.

“In previous years, the carnival has raised £5,000 or more for village organisations and charities, many of which haven’t been able to do any fundraising during the coronavirus pandemic. Thousands of people have come each year, so we are hoping for a good turnout to top up our fund.”

Dave explained that there is no procession because most of the organisations that enter floats, such as schools, youth organisations and community groups, have not been meeting over the summer.

“The pandemic and school holidays have prevented our entrants from planning and making their floats,” added Dave. “We also didn’t want people to spend money with the chance that we might have had to cancel near the date because of coronavirus restrictions.”

The main attraction in the arena tomorrow is the Vander Brothers Space Wheel – four large drums on a central spindle on which “superhero” acrobats will perform stunts.

There are performances by the Prime Acrobatics display team, street entertainer Zoot and Chobham Rock Choir. Chobham Morris Dancers are involving children from St Lawrence School in their performance and Ali Cardabra is presenting his traditional Punch and Judy show.

There will be a range of food and drink stands. Volunteers from the Woking Hospice charity are running a tea room in the Parish Pavilion and there is a special Chobham Country Market.

Dave said a full COVID-19 safety assessment had been made for the event, resulting in extra space between the stalls and sideshows and more room around the arena to help prevent crowding.

“An addition this year, to increase our environmental efforts, there will be recycling bins for cans, bottles and plastic cups alongside the rubbish bins,” said Dave. “This is thanks to Joint Waste Solutions and the sponsorship of Surrey Heath Council. We hope carnival-goers will use them.”

People will also be able to donate money to the carnival charities through a QR code on the front of the programme and on posters.

The gates open at the recreation ground in Station Road at 11am. The Vander Brothers open the show in the arena at noon and stage the final performance of the day at 3.55pm.

For more information, visit or the Chobham Carnival Facebook page.