Cub Scouts
Take the wheel: A Cub concentrates on the task in hand (Submitted)

Cub Scout
Measuring the colour reaction to adding an acid (Submitted)

Cub Scouts science
Show of hands: Cubs are keen to play an active role in another experiment (Submitted)

Woking District Cubs’ science day involved around 80 cubs and many adult volunteers exploring fun science activities at 7th Woking Scout headquarters.

Organised by Simon Lee and overseen by district Cub programme team leader for Woking, Jan Parker, it provided an opportunity for Cub Scouts from all over Woking District to have a day of science fun.

One of the Cubs, Lucas, said: “Me and seven other Cubs from 8th Woking attended. Some of the activities we did were looking at a heart to understand how it works, making rockets using bicarbonate of soda and vinegar, exploring with light, lenses and prisms and gyroscopes.

“My favourite was making rockets with bicarbonate of soda and vinegar. It was really fun and a great learning experience.”

Thomas added: “It was fun, there were filters, chemical reactions, pulleys and levers, hearts and loads more! My favourite was chemical reactions, they were amazing!”

Ella said: “I watched a heart dissection and also pulleys with rope. I made a water filter and created a chemical reaction with a carton and vinegar mixed with bicarbonate of soda and it made a rocket.

“I learnt a lot of new facts, like the parts of a heart, how water filters work, how gyroscopes and microscopes work.

“I enjoyed using red cabbage water to find out what acid turned it a different colour. The acid was lemon and the different colour was pink. Adding bicarbonate of soda turned it purple again. It was fun and I learnt lots of interesting things.”

Charlie also had a good time. He said: “One of my favourites was vinegar plus bicarbonate of soda rockets – you got to watch the rocket explode off its lid, blasting into the air.

“Thank you leaders for all the help, this couldn’t have been possible without you. I hope you do a 2026 science day!”