WOKING Park Bowls Club has reopened after lockdown restrictions were eased.

The club, which was founded in 1914, welcomed its 70 members back after the Government and Woking Borough Council agreed that bowling on the green could start again.

Some restrictions still apply: play is limited to roll ups, where a limited number of players can practise their game, rather than a full season of regular matches.

All equipment is sanitised before, during and after use, and there is strict marshalling to ensure that social distancing is maintained within current guidelines.

Committee member John Lattimore said: “We are pleased to announce a resumption of our season. The clubhouse in this central location of town remains closed, but we have toilet facilities and free parking available.

“I hope that our reopening will tempt newcomers to come along and try our fun and friendly club, and to take part in our roll ups, which are played in a fun way.

“We enjoy the healthy advantage of playing outdoors in the summer air, and hope to be able to move indoors to play through the winter if restrictions are lifted.”

For more information, visit wokingparkbowlsclub.hitssports.com, or contact membership secretary Carole Hamill on 07720 471318.