SURREY County Council declared a climate change emergency last week, as Extinction Rebellion protesters staged a “die-in” outside County Hall.

Climate change campaigners lay sprawled on the ground outside the council offices, ahead of councillors arriving for their meeting. The protestors, wearing animal masks, were highlighting the loss of species and damage to human life support systems, caused by increasing carbon emissions.

Three months before, the council had angered protesters by refusing to back a pledge to meet targets and declare an emergency in a motion put forward by Green Cllr Jonathan Essex.

This time, a Climate Emergency Motion, with the aim of going carbon neutral by 2050, was put forward by Conservative Cllr Mike Goodman, cabinet member for environment, and seconded by Liberal Democrat Cllr Will Forster, and gained cross-party support.

“After trying to get Surrey to move forward on its climate commitments earlier this year, we’ve finally got some progress,” said Cllr Essex after the meeting.

For the full story get the 18 July edition of the News & Mail