INSPIRATIONAL and life-affirming posters are being put up around Woking to coincide with World Mental Health Day today.

The Life Designs Hope Campaign has been put together by graphic designer Zoe Rutland and her friend Jude Thomas, who was diagnosed with Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD) in her early twenties.

The Hope Campaign has been funded and supported by local businesses, charities and Woking Borough Council.

Jude said that the campaign’s aim was “bringing positive messages of hope into the community which enhance people’s wellbeing and signpost people to support”.

There are four vibrant posters, each with a different message of hope: “You are enough”, “You have purpose”, “You are not alone” and “You matter”. They point people to the charity Woking Mind, which offers an extensive range of support, including drop-in sessions, groups and courses to help support people with their mental health, to help prevent mental health problems from escalating and supporting people’s recovery.

The designs are also on sale and can be bought with 10% of the profits going to Woking Mind.

Jude said she hoped the campaign would continue and grow.

“We’d really like to link in with the calendar of events focusing on mental health,” she said.

For more information, see the Life Designs Facebook page @zoeslifedesigns and #HopeCampaign.

For the full story get the 10 October edition of the News & Mail