BROOKWOOD residents have found a new sense of community having come together to plant out flower beds alongside the main village road.

Thanks in part to a council grant along with donations from several local businesses - local residents in Brookwood were able to buy around 300 perennial plants and shrubs to put in four main flower beds along Connaught Road.

Armed with trowels and spades a group of more than 20 residents set to work and planted them last Saturday morning, following on from initial work the evening before by about 20 local cubs and their parents on one of the beds.

Jess Sawyer, a keen amateur gardener, was responsible for getting the project off the ground. She said: “I used to pass the flower beds and think how sad they looked and other people said they thought the same so we decided to do something about it. It’s really brought the community together and some people have offered to water the plants and there are people who weren’t able to help with the planting who’ve said they want to smarten up their gardens now.”

Delighted with the result, Jess said that they’ve saved some the money they received so that they can plant bulbs later this year.

Cllr Ayesha Azad, who helped the residents to secure the grant of £500 from Woking Borough Council also came along in the course of the morning to congratulate the group on their work.