SLOW down if you are travelling today, is the official advice.

With a blanket of snow across the local area, Surrey Police are stressing the importance of driving with more care.

“Slow down and increase the distances between you and the car ahead,” tweeted the roads policing team. “Allow longer for braking. More caution required on rural or local minor roads.”

One response suggested the message was not being fully appreciated by local drivers.

“Need this up in big letters on the roadside,” said Alan. “Been out already this morning and majority of drivers here in Surrey are still behaving like Surrey drivers… Too fast, too close, too impatient and generally driving like complete twits.”

Those travelling by train were also advised to take their time.

“Please be extra careful when travelling today,” said the Surrey branch of British Transport Police. “Train services will likely be affected and platforms/stairs may be slippery. As always, we’ll be here regardless of the weather so text #61016 if you need us.”

Top tips from the National Highways for winter driving in snow and ice:

* Stick to the main roads where you can and only travel if necessary.

* Slow down - it can take 10 times longer to stop in icy conditions.

* Use a high gear - this will help avoid wheel spin.

* Accelerate gently, using low revs. You may need to take off in second gear to avoid skidding.

* You may need up to 10 times the normal gap between your car and the car in front.

* Try not to brake suddenly – it may lock up your wheels and you could skid further.

* Be extra cautious at road junctions where road markings may not be visible.

* Look out for gritters spreading salt or using snow ploughs, and only overtake if it's safe to do so.