A SUPERVISOR at RSPCA Millbrook in Chobham has taken up the challenge to cover 150km in just 15 days to raise money for the animal charity.

Charlotte Neary, the equine yard supervisor at Millbrook, will run, cycle, horse-ride or walk the 150km.

She is joined in a team of three by fellow animal lovers Claudia Corner, equine operations manager at the RSPCA, and inspector Suzanne Smith, who each have the same target.

Charlotte, who has worked at Millbrook for nine years, said: “I thought it sounded like a huge challenge at first, but with some support from my husband, I decided I could do it. 

“In these difficult times, it was important to me to raise funds and increase awareness of the stories of the horses I have looked after.

“The RSPCA had nearly 900 horses in its care at the end of last year but they are not just numbers to me, each and every one is an individual animal who has overcome some awful times, and now they are in lovely homes.

“If it wasn’t for the team at the RSPCA they wouldn’t have had the opportunity to know love or have their ‘happily ever after’. All the horses I have rehabilitated and rehomed have taught me something along the way too, so I feel like I am giving something back to them by doing this.”

Claudia said: “I’m passionate about animal welfare, and in particular equines, and this has been a huge part of my life for the last 20 years. During the coronavirus crisis, all charities have suffered a huge loss of income.”

In 2019, the charity received reports of more than 21,000 incidents involving horses, and more than 2,000 reports about horses since lockdown.

Suzanne added: “Equines alone cost the RSPCA £4.8 million a year and if we want to continue to be able to help them, I knew I had to say yes to this challenge.”

To support Charlotte, Claudia and Suzanne’s challenge, visit https://www.justgiving.com/team/equineteamanimal. To take on your own challenge, visit www.rspca.org.uk/virtualchallenges.