EVERY building in a Woking industrial estate will be demolished and replaced with “much-needed modern” warehousing along the Basingstoke Canal, if new plans are approved.

Woking Borough Council has launched plans to tear down the existing buildings in Goldsworth Industrial Estate that, it says, are “nearing the end of their life”.

The planning application, submitted on May 12 and validated last week, says there are “major issues with the existing buildings, including poor energy efficiency, dated facilities and mechanical and  electrical systems which need upgrading.

It says this makes them “difficult to let and will lead to substantial capital expenditures in the near future to comply with the Government’s Minimum Energy Efficiency Standards, which will come into effect in 2026.”

As such, the council has submitted plans for the brownfield site, that would deliver 12 modern industrial units across more than 3,000 square metres.

Field’s Car Centre will continue to occupy the site after development, the plans said.

The planning documents said the “modern industrial space” will “meet the needs of modern occupiers and meet sustainability targets by replacing outdated units that have poor energy efficiency”.

It is also hoped that it will address the “sensitivity of the location next to the Basingstoke Canal” and enhance “the current poor quality frontage along Goldsworth Road”.

According to Woking Borough Council’s development strategy, it will permit redevelopment of “outmoded employment floorspace to cater for modern business needs” particularly if it supports small and medium sized enterprises to start up.

The neighbourhood consultation into the plans runs until June 7 with a target determination date listed as August 14.