AN application has been made to build a solar energy generation system in a field at Chobham.

Surrey Heath Borough Council has been asked for permission for 122 solar panels to be erected on land next to Gracious Pond Farm in Gracious Pond Road.

The south-facing generation system, producing just over 50 kilowatts per hour of electricity at peak efficiency, will provide off-the-grid power to the farm office and neighbouring Gracious Pond Cottage.

Any electricity that is not used by the two properties will be exported to the local distribution grid.

If approved, the system will have two rows of panels fixed to frames above the ground. The manufacturers say it will save a total of around 8.7 tonnes of carbon emissions a year through the users not relying on power from the national grid.

The manufacturer says the solar array will not be seen from Gracious Pond Road, as it is screened by trees. The proposed development does not require a change of use.

So far, the only comment on the application has been made by Chobham Parish Council. It says it does not object if the installation is removed and the field restored if the solar array is no longer needed.

The council is also concerned that allowing the development will not result in the land being classified as “previously developed” if other applications are made for it.