Woking Football Club (FC) has won planning permission for a series of food court style containers.

The Vanarama National League side will use seven shipping crates, popular with outdoor food halls, throughout the ground to enhance game day –  although a couple will be used for storage.

The remodelling of the fan experience was approved by Woking Borough Council’s planning committee on Thursday, January 16.

In all, the unanimously agreed plans add three food and drink serving stations, together with extra toilets to go with the increase in on-site storage.

Officers told the meeting: “The application relates to seven containers within the football club site. Some of which are existing..some are proposed.”

They added: “This is an application for them to be retained on the site permanently.”

The meeting heard that to make space for the additional facilities, part of the covered fan zone area will be moved. 

Woking FC’s original application had proposed a new footpath across the car park, a new ticket office and the relocation of a food container but these were all dropped.

Overall, the report said the containers would result in additions to the football stadium site and would support its use, providing additional facilities for spectators, and would not be visually harmful.

The food concession sites can only be used for five hours on match days, and for a total of 35 days a year. They must close either half an hour after the final whistle, or by 9.45pm –  whichever is the earliest.