Woking Borough Council

Byfleet & West Byfleet

2025/0005: Demolition of existing detached garage and erection of a single-storey rear extension and replacement rear roof dormer including Juliet balcony. Alterations to external materials and fenestration. 43 Hollies Avenue, West Byfleet

2025/0009: Proposed external alterations and amalgamation of Units 3A and 1B to create a single retail unit (Use Class E) along with reconfigured car parking, changes to the side and rear elevations and associated works. Unit 3, Wey Retail Park, Royston Road, Byfleet

Goldsworth Park

2024/0905: Installation of roof light. 26 Elsdon Road

2025/0001: Erection of part-two storey part first-floor side extension over existing detached garage. 23 Ainsdale Way


2024/0940: Change of use of domestic barn to ancillary use (yoga studio) with associated changes to fenestration, including insertion of new window and rooflights. Manor House, Sutton Park, Sutton Green

2024/0943: Erection of a part single-storey, part two-storey side and rear extensions. Addition of 1No front dormer window. Installation of solar panels and roof lantern and alterations to external materials and fenestration. Greystones, Berry Lane, Worplesdon

Hoe Valley

2024/0898: Retention of a single-storey front extension, two-storey side extension, part ground, part first-floor rear extensions, additional ground-floor rear lean-to, and alterations to fenestration to elevations. 46 Queen Elizabeth Way, Kingfield

2025/0022: Certificate of Proposed Lawful Development for the erection of a rear outbuilding following demolition of existing garage. 30 Kingfield Gardens, Kingfield

2024/0892: Retention of a single-storey front extension, two-storey side extension, part ground, part first-floor rear extensions and alterations to fenestration to elevations. 46 Queen Elizabeth Way, Kingfield


2024/0923: Erection of part two-storey, part single-storey side and rear extentions following demolition of existing two-storey side extention, garden room, conservatory and outbuildings to the side and rear. Changes to external materials and fenetration, formation of new vehicular access and creation of hardstanding. 8 Abbey Road


2024/0910: Retrospective planning permission for creation of front hardstanding. 44 Brookwood Farm Drive

Mount Hermon

2025/0003: Proposed alterations to fenestration, internal and external alterations and refurbishment to Hall 4. Shah Jahan Mosque, Oriental Road