Woking Borough Council

Byfleet & West Byfleet

2024/0950: Erection of a rear dormer window and insertion of 2No front rooflights. 1 Chuters Close, Byfleet


2024/0947: Certificate of Proposed Lawful Development for a rear outbuilding. 24 Courtenay Road

2024/0948: Erection of a first floor rear extension. 175 Boundary Road

2024/0933: Certificate of Lawfulness (existing) to establish the lawful Use Class of the application site and that the existing operation falls within this Use Class. Unit 5, 29 Eve Road

2024/0926: Erection of part single, part two-storey rear extension. Formation of new vehicular access and creation of hardstanding. 23 Bentham Avenue, Sheerwater


2024/0939: Prior notification for the proposed enlargement of one storey dwellinghouse by construction of an additional storey with a proposed ridge height of 8.50m (Part 1, Class AA). Linksyde, Hook Heath Road


2024/0936: Erection of a rear pergola. Homelea, Horsell Rise

2024/0906: Certificate of Lawfulness (existing) to establish whether the parcel of land amounting to 0.6ha has been used for the keeping, grazing and stabling of horses for a period of 10 years. Land south east of Seven Acres, Horsell Common

Hoe Valley

2024/0918: Erection of a part first-floor, part two-storey rear extension and front porch. 2A Maple Grove, Westfield

2024/0937: Erection of a single-storey side extension following demolition of existing porch. Installation of side solar panels and air source heat pump. Alterations to external materials and replacement of all windows and external door. 37 Rose Bank Cottages, Westfield

Mount Hermon

2024/0949: Certificate of Proposed Lawful Development for the erection of a single-storey front extension. Oakleigh, Ashwood Road

2024/0942: Conversion of garage into habitable accommodation. Oakwood, Shaftesbury Road

St John’s

2024/0941: Erection of a two-storey and part single-storey side extension and insertion of rear rooflight. 34 Northwood Avenue, Knaphill

2024/0946: Erection of a two-storey side extension. 1 Woodend Close