Woking Borough Council planning applications

Byfleet and West Byfleet

2023/0971: Certificate of Proposed Lawful Development for erection of a hip-to-gable roof extension incorporating rear dormer windows and insertion of roof lights. 8 Foxlake Road, Byfleet

2023/0948: Formation of a new vehicular access. 24 Royston Road, Byfleet


2023/0983: Erection of a single-storey side extension. 96 St Michael’s Road, Sheerwater

2023/0953: Erection of a part two-storey, part single-storey side and rear extension and changes to external materials and fenestration following demolition of detached garage. Oaklands, Sheerwater Road, Woodham

2023/0992: Erection of a two-storey and part single-storey rear extension and single-storey front extension. 59 St Michael’s Road, Sheerwater

2023/0975: Erection of a part single-, part two-storey rear extension and front porch extension. 17 Blackmore Crescent, Sheerwater

2023/0385: Erection of rear dormers, alterations to fenestration and installation of external wall insulation and render (amended plans received and amended description). 165 Boundary Road, Woking


2023/0968: Proposed single-storey rear extension linking house to existing detached garage. 5 High Gardens, Hook Heath

Hoe Valley

2023/0960: Erection of a detached single-storey dwelling to the rear of 152 High Street, with associated car parking, tree works and landscaping. Land adjacent to 152 High Street, Old Woking

2023/0973: Certificate of Proposed Lawful Development for a rear dormer window, two front roof lights and removal of chimney. 53 Ford Road, Old Woking

Mount Hermon

2023/0991: Erection of a part two-storey, part single-storey front and side extension. Alterations to front fenestration. 56 Park Road, Woking



2023/0994: Erection of a single-storey side extension following demolition of the existing garage. 9 Boltons Close, Pyrford


St John’s

2023/0916: Retention of a rear conservatory (retrospective). 49 Inkerman Road, Knaphill

2023/0990: Erection of a two-storey rear extension and one side roof light and installation of rear flue (amendment to 2023/0141). 136 Hermitage Woods Crescent, St John’s