Surrey Heath Borough Council planning applications

Bisley and West End

2023/1179: Erection of two-storey rear extension, removal of chimney and fenestration changes. 28 Streets Heath, West End 

2023/1191: Certificate of Existing Lawful Development for the commencement of the development under planning permission 2021/0547 (granted on appeal APP/D3640/W/21/3289233) of the erection of a two-bedroom detached bungalow following demolition of existing garage, with 14 Pilgrims Way retained in a reduced curtilage. 14 Pilgrims Way, Bisley

2023/1200: Part conversion of existing garage/store to habitable accommodation with internal alterations and fenestration changes. 26 Great Barn Crescent, West End

2023/1211: Submission of details to comply with conditions 3 (materials), 12 (energy), 13 (sustainable urban drainage system), 14 (ecology) and 15 (contamination) attached to planning permission 2023/0205 for the redevelopment of the site to provide two residential units; provision of associated access, landscaping, car and cycle parking and bin storage. Land to the rear of 309-315 Guildford Road, Bisley

2023/1214: Erection of a playhouse and a separate pavilion for dining. Halebourne House, Halebourne Lane, Chobham

Windlesham and Chobham

2023/1213: Erection of a single-storey rear extension following demolition of existing conservatory. Whiteways, 89 Guildford Road, Bagshot 

2023/1222: Submission of details to comply with condition 4 (trees) attached to planning permission 2023/0991 for the erection of a single-storey side extension. 23 Bracken Way, Chobham