RESIDENTS are being asked for their views on proposals for almost 100 new homes on land off Egley Road in Mayford.
Cala Homes (Thames) and Barchester Healthcare have placed pre-application information before Woking Borough Council for “94 new high-quality homes, including 50% affordable, a 62-bed care home, landscaping, open space and a new vehicular access from Egley Road”.
The site, bounded by Egley Road, Hillside, on the margin of Woking, the railway line and the sports grounds of Hoe Valley School, was recently removed from the green belt and allocated for residential development.
The developers say they are in the early stages of delivering proposals for the site, which will be the subject of “a full planning application submission in late spring 2022”.
The proposals can be viewed and feedback submitted at Residents can also reach the project team on freephone 0800 298 7040. The consultation process will continue until Thursday 14 April.
According to Cala Homes: “The precise layout of homes is subject to change. However, there will be a mix of property types, including houses and apartments, 50% of which will be affordable, with the precise mix to be determined in due course. This will be informed by identified local needs and discussion with the council.”
John Richards, land and planning director at Cala Homes (Thames), said: “This consultation is an opportunity for the local community to shape the plans for the development at Egley Road, which will assist in addressing local market and affordable housing needs.
“As a national housebuilder, Cala is committed to delivering quality homes and communities. We’re looking forward to sharing more information on our sustainability and urban wildlife strategies and how low-carbon technologies will be incorporated into our development proposals.

“We welcome thoughts and feedback from local residents to help us deliver a high-quality scheme with wider community benefits.”
An early respondent to the consultation was Mayford Village Society (MVS), which, in its words, “exists to protect the green nature of our village and the surrounding area”.
Giving its initial reaction, it said: “Mayford Village Society was clearly very disappointed at the outcome of the Site Allocations process. There was an opportunity to establish in perpetuity a separation between Woking and Mayford without prejudicing the number of homes that have to be built to meet need.
“Sadly, the planning inspector did not accept that opportunity, which was proposed by Woking Borough Council and supported by MVS.
“We knew once that happened that the north field in Egley Road would become subject to a development proposal.
“At the public consultation that starts this week, we hope that Cala Homes will be in listening mode and will be able to appreciate the sensitivities of the site among local people, especially those living along Egley Road and in Hillside.
“Mayford Village Society exists to protect the green nature of our village and the surrounding area and we stand ready to fight, once again, for that if what is proposed continues the urbanisation of Mayford.”