A GROUP of Woking residents is organising opposition to plans to build 965 flats in blocks up to 40 storeys high in Goldsworth Road.

The proposed development would have three blocks on the south side and two, including a new home for the York Road Project homelessness charity, on the north side.

The protesters say they have raised more than half a planned £4,380 to pay for an initial assessment of the project, to provide objections based on planning policies. For more details, visit gofundme.com and search for Goldsworth Road.

Bernadette Fischler, one of the organisers, said the development is not in keeping with Woking Borough Council’s core strategy.

“There are issues with height, bulk, density, you name it, and it’s certainly not in keeping with the surrounding areas.

“I believe we can pull together in our community to stand up against this planning application and avoid at least eight years of building site and a bunch of skyscrapers higher than anything built in Woking yet.”

Gerry Mitchell said that, according to the council core strategy, a development of this size should have 40% affordable housing, but the development has just 5%.

Dr Mitchell said: “Developments like this do nothing to enable first time buyers and lower income families to get on the property ladder.”

Woking Borough Council is receiving objections as well as letters of support to the scheme, PLAN/2020/0568.

One of the supporting letters, from Andrew Humphreys of Old Woking, states: “This is an excellent development and will pave the way for future economic development that will be absolutely necessary as the country recovers from the economic impact of the COVID-19 pandemic.

“It is particularly positive that the development includes a new building for the provision of homelessness services and those for people in need in Woking delivered by York Road Project and other local charities.

“This is exactly the sort of inclusive development that is needed and makes for a welcome break from pure profit development.”

It is not yet known when the plan will be considered by the council planning committee, which is due to hold its next meeting on 8 September.