Woking Borough Council
Byfleet & West Byfleet
2025/0152: A 6m single storey rear extension. 16 Spence Avenue, Byfleet, West Byfleet
2025/0155: Certificate of Proposed Lawful Development for the addition of a rear dormer window and front roof lights. 21 Paxton Gardens, Woodham
2025/0154: Erection of a single-storey rear extension and infill of existing rear facing first floor balcony. 21 Paxton Gardens, Woodham
Goldsworth Park
2025/0091: Erection of a single-storey front extension and rear outbuilding (part retrospective). 71 Roundthorn Way, Woking
2025/0153: New side facing velux window, internal alterations and alterations to fenestration. Brittoncot , Holly Bank Road
2025/0113: Erection of a front outbuilding. Home Green, Heath House Road
Hoe Valley
2025/0104: Demolition of existing lean to extensions and construction of four metre single-storey rear extensions. 4, 5 And 6 The Shops, Kingfield Road, Kingfield
2025/0156: Two-storey side extension and single storey front extension. 89 Queen Elizabeth Way, Kingfield
2025/0157: Proposed garage conversion into habitable accomodation. 16 Percheron Drive, Knaphill
Mount Hermon
2025/0123: Erection of a part two-storey, part first-floor, front, side and rear extension with 1no front dormer, 1no rear roof light, 1no side roof light and single storey rear extension. Muir House, Brooklyn Road, Woking
2025/0145: Erection of a carport. Manor Heath , Knowl Hill, Woking
2025/0150: Erection of a part two-storey, part single-storey side and rear extension. Proposed first-floor rear terrace following alterations to existing roof terrace. Insertion of front dormer window and 10no rooflights. Erection of detached garage following demolition of existing detached double garage. Alterations to rear patio and fenestration. Elmwood, Elmstead Road, West Byfleet
2025/0149: Erection of a single-storey rear extension. 2 Providence Place, Pyrford Road
St John’s
2025/0132: Formation of a new vehicular access. 3 Goldsmiths Close, Woking
To review or comment on a planning application, for details on how to submit a planning application or information on the planning process, please visit www.woking.gov.uk. The public access database can be used to search, view and comment on planning applications submitted; search and view details of a property within the borough; and view the weekly list of new planning applications. Only comments submitted online will appear on the “Comments” tab; all comments can be viewed on the “Documents” tab. Any comments which are offensive or discriminatory will be removed, and they will be ignored when determining the planning application. Please do not put any personally sensitive information, such as ex-directory phone numbers, in any documents you send to the council. This also applies to letters and emails sent to the council from neighbours or other interested parties.
Surrey Heath Borough Council
Bisley & West End
25/0268/FFU: Erection of a two-storey side and single-storey rear extension with roof lights following demolition of existing garage and conservatory. 31 Queens Road, Bisley
0265/FFU: Erection of a two-storey front extension, single-storey rear extension with roof terrace over, roof alterations including increase in ridge height and insertion of dormers, changes to fenestration, internal alterations and associated landscaping and levelling. 14 Curley Hill Road
25/0164/FFU: A single-storey rear extension and conversion of garage into habitable accommodation. 151 Ambleside Road
Windlesham & Chobham
25/0151/FFU: Erection of an additional floor at first-floor level with Juliet balcony and external staircase, internal alterations and changes to fenestration. Flat 4, Stonehill House, 81 Guildford Road, Bagshot
25/0171/CEU: Certificate of lawfulness for existing outbuilding used for multiple uses including annexe, workshop, garage, carport and store. The Willows, Chobham Park Lane, Chobham 25/0236/FFU: Change of Use from Sui generis to use classes B2 (general industrial) and B8 (open storage). Refuse Disposal Compound, Swift Lane, Bagshot
25/0158/FFU: Part single part two-storey rear extension with internal alterations and associated works. 32A Chertsey Road, Chobham
25/0162/FFU: Erection of a two-storey front/side extension forming a lift shaft and a replacement front porch with canopy. Sunnyfield, Westwood Road, Windlesham
25/0166/FFU: Raised decking to granny annexe. (Retrospective). Vanya Cottage, 1 Orchard Hill, Windlesham
25/0173/CES: Certificate of lawfulness for proposed single-storey rear extension. The Willows, Chobham Park Lane, Chobham