Woking Borough Council

Byfleet & West Byfleet

2025/0137: Certificate of Proposed Lawful Development for alterations to rear fenestration. 46 Rectory Lane, Byfleet, West Byfleet

2025/0143: Certificate of Proposed Lawful Development for erection of front entrance gates. 16 Dartnell Park Road

2025/0136: Prior notification for a single-storey rear extension to extend a maximum depth of 6m, maximum height of 2.3m and a maximum height of eaves of 2.3m. 100 Oyster Lane, Byfleet, West Byfleet


2025/0110: Retrospective application to retain cash machine on shop front. Costcutter, 16 Chertsey Road, Woking

2025/0131: Installation of air source heat pump and enclosure. Goldsworth Place, Forge End

Goldsworth Park

2025/0101: Installation of solar panels to rear elevation. 89 Knightswood

2024/0955: Details of external lighting scheme and landscaping submitted pursuant to Condition 7 and 13 to planning permission ref: WO/PLAN/2023/0570 dated 9 November 2023 (this application is determined by Surrey County Council under their ref SCC_Ref_2024-0184). Former Lakers Youth Centre, Goldsworth Park Centre

Hoe Valley

2025/0122: Erection of a single-storey and part first-floor rear extension. 69 Westfield Road, Westfield


2025/0134: Erection of two-storey and single-storey rear extension and first-floor front extension with alterations to existing roof terrace. Alterations to fenestration and rear terrace and steps. Horsell Cottage, Horsell Park

2025/0144: Proposed telecommunications installation: Proposed 30.0m Monopole to accommodate 6no antenna and associated ancillary works including equipment cabinet following removal of existing 25.0m monopole with 3no antenna and 2no existing cabinets. Telecommunications mast, Kestrel Way

2025/0133: Demolition of existing conservatory and awning and erection of single-storey rear extension to the dwelling. Alterations to existing side extension including replacement pitched roof, formation of a door and window to the western flank elevation, and removal of existing window to the southern flank elevation. 7 Morton Close

2025/0142: Certificate of Proposed Lawful Development for the erection of a three-bay garage and associated access. Oak House, Ridgeway


2025/0130: Erection of a single-storey rear extension, conversion of garage into habitable accommodation and alterations to fenestration. 113 Lovelace Drive

2025/0140: Erection of a detached garage following the demolition of existing garage. 5 Timber Close

2025/0124: Certificate of Existing Lawful Development for the alteration to original integral garage into habitable accommodation. White Oaks , 20 Norfolk Farm Road

2025/0139: Erection of a single-storey side and rear extension and front porch canopy. 2no front roof lights and fenestration changes to rear dormer (amended plans). 25 Boltons Close

Surrey Heath Borough Council

Bisley & West End

25/0207/FFU: Construction of two dormer windows in the front elevation of the existing roof space. Fairways, Priest Lane, West End 25/0216/FFU: Erection of a single-storey rear extension with roof lights following the demolition of existing rear element and installation of render on all existing facades. 103 Guildford Road, West End 25/0232/FFU: Erection of a single-storey rear extension following the demolition of existing conservatory, conversion of garage to habitable accommodation including alterations to front of garage, along with internal alterations and fenestration changes. 27 Gardenia Drive, West End 25/0234/FFU: Erection of two single-storey rear extensions, part conversion of garage into habitable space, roof lights, fenestration alterations and associated internal works. Westfield, 1 Zinnia Drive, Bisley


25/0240/CES: Certificate of lawfulness for the proposed erection of a rear garden room to create an office and home gym. 35 Heronscourt

Windlesham & Chobham

25/0172/CEU: Certificate of lawfulness for the existing shed used for storage. The Willows, Chobham Park Lane, Chobham 25/0242/DTC: Details to comply with condition 32 (Business Plan) of application ref.20/0747/FFU (Hybrid planning application comprising: Full application for a new building for Sales, Manufacturing & Heritage (Building 2) together with a test road, two new vehicular accesses onto Highams Lane, associated parking, landscaping and ancillary outbuilding. Change of use of existing buildings (comprising former BOC Headquarters) for education, storage, business and ancillary uses. Outline application with all matters reserved for two new buildings for Headquarters and Engineering (Building 1) and Vehicle Research and Development (Building 3)) granted 09 February 2021. Highams Park, Chertsey Road, Windlesham