Woking Borough Council
Byfleet & West Byfleet
2025/0116: Two-storey front and side extension with integral garage, single-storey rear extension. Front porch canopy and changes to fenestration. 216 High Road
2025/0118: Prior approval under Part 20, Class AA of Schedule 2 of Town and Country Planning (General Permitted Development) (England) Order 2015 (as amended) for construction of two additional storeys above existing commercial building to provide 34x flats. 6 Church Street West
2025/0119: Formation of vehicular access and EV charging point. 8 Delta Road
2025/0095: Display of 2no non illuminated Welcome Church logo fascia signage to west and east elevations. Church Gate, 9-11 Church Street West
2025/0094: Formation of new entrance doors on west elevation, canopy, re cladding with coloured cladding on part of west elevation, vertical infill cladding to south elevation serving existing pedestrian and vehicular access. Church Gate, 9-11 Church Street West
2025/0062: Certificate of Proposed Lawful Development for proposed use of home office as private hire taxi office. 4 Egley Drive, Mayford
2025/0111: Two-storey front and side extension with increased ridge height and portico. Single-storey rear extension and creation of pitched roof over existing garage. Paget House, The Drive
2025/0077: New entrance canopy to nursery. Brookwood County First And Middle School, Connaught Road
2025/0097: Single-storey front and side extension, conversion of garage into habitable accommodation and alterations to fenestration. 9 Orchard Mains
2025/0098: Certificate of Proposed Lawful Development for single-storey rear extension and covered side car port. Alterations to fenestration. Trees, Hook Heath Avenue
2025/0105: Two-storey rear extension, first-floor front extension and open front porch. Proposed conversion of garage into habitable accommodation and formation of vehicular access. Insertion of side rooflights. 11 Lockswood, Brookwood
Hoe Valley
2025/0127: Two-storey side extension and single-storey rear extension following demolition of existing garage. 119 Queen Elizabeth Way, Kingfield
2025/0112: Single-storey rear extension and changes to fenestration. 3 Pentire Close
2025/0120: Retrospective application for installation of additional air conditioning unit to east elevation. Castle Cottage, Castle Road
2025/0121: Single-story side and rear extension. Insertion of 1no. roof light. Vine Place, Wood Lane
2025/0126: Single-storey front and rear extension. 50 Grindstone Crescent
2024/0924: Change of use of part of existing detached outbuilding (residential annex) to 1x self-contained 1 bedroom unit. Meadow End, Chobham Road
Mount Hermon
2025/0090: Listed Building Consent for re-roofing, including installation of membrane and roof battens and relaying of existing tiles. White Rose Farm House, 44 White Rose Lane
2025/0125: Two-storey rear extension with Juliet balcony and conversion of garage into habitable accommodation. Proposed white render finish to all elevations. 22 Weston Way
2025/0106: Installation of 4no roof lights to existing single-storey rear extension, 1no obscured high level window, porch and fenestration alterations. Aldbury, Aviary Road
2025/0088: Single-storey front extension. Formation of vehicular access and creation of hardstanding. 13 Boltons Lane
2025/0018: Replacement illuminated and non-illuminated signage to exterior of building comprising 1x double-sided free standing post sign, 1x individual welcome letters and 1x "v" shaped post mounted sign. Refurbishment of double-sided post mounted welcome sign. Mitchells And Butlers, The Yeoman Bass Taverns Ltd, 81 Old Woking Road
Surrey Heath Borough Council
Bisley & West End
25/0169/FFU: Detached garage with storage above. Wilds The Folly, Lightwater 25/0218/CES: Certificate of lawfulness for proposed conversion of loft space to habitable accommodation, with dormer window and rooflights. 6 Noble Drive, West End
25/0196/FFU: Hip to gable roof extension and conversion of loft to provide first-floor habitable accommodation with front and rear dormers. Changes to fenestrations and existing rear roof with inclusion of roof lights. 37 Curley Hill Road 25/0206/DTC: Submission of details to comply with condition 13 (Electric Vehicle charging) attached to planning permission 24/0136/FFU for development of site to provide 21no. dwellings with associated access, hardstanding, landscaping and parking. 99-101 Guildford Road
Windlesham & Chobham
25/0084/FFU: Ground-floor side extension following demolition of existing side element, addition of open-sided porch, first-floor dormer and extension to existing dormer with associated alterations and changes to external materials. 37 Windsor Road 25/0157/FFU: B8 storage building following demolition of existing B8 storage building. Albury Farm, Gracious Pond Road