Woking Borough Council
Byfleet & West Byfleet
2025/0012: Change of use from Class E3 industrial unit to two Class C3 residential units. 2A Eden Grove Road, Byfleet
2025/0103: Prior Approval under provisions of Schedule 2, Part 3, Class MA of Town and Country Planning (General Permitted Development) (England) Order 2015 (as amended) for change of use from Commercial, Business and Service (Use Class E) to Dwellinghouses (Use Class C3) to provide 33x residential units. 6 Church Street West
Goldsworth Park
2025/0114: Retrospective application for rear outbuilding. 124 Bishops Wood
2024/0935: Part two-storey and part single-storey side and rear extension following demolition of garage. Tanahkita , Ridge Close
2024/0934: Single-storey side and rear extension following demolition of garage. Formation of new vehicular access and creation of hardstanding. Tanahkita , Ridge Close
Hoe Valley
2025/0083: First-floor side extension and insertion of front sun tunnel. 31 Howards Road, Kingfield
2025/0084: Demolition of all existing outbuildings and of two-storey rear projection. Formation of 2no. new single-storey front projecting bays, reform of curved porch to become enclosed and set forwards, extension of existing rear projecting bay window to second-floor level, including formation of new rear dormer window. Formation of further rear dormer window and insertion of 1no. north-east side rooflight. Erection of single-storey side/rear pool room extension (including plant room) and erection of single-storey rear extension following removal of existing single-storey rear extension. Removal of external metal rear staircase and north-east chimney stack, addition of external facade details such as brick details to south-west wing and reform of roof at rear, replacement of existing UPVC windows throughout with sash/casement style windows and associated fenestration changes. Replacement garden terrace to rear and associated landscaping works. Throwleigh Lodge , Ridgeway
2025/0100: Extension to McLaren Technology Centre to accommodate a new test rig within the rear service yard at the McLaren Campus, Woking, and external alterations. McLaren Technology Centre, Chertsey Road
2025/0108: Proposed conversion of garage into habitable accommodation and erection of open front porch. Insertion of front rooflight and alterations to fenestration. 7 Lych Way
Mount Hermon
2025/0109: Single-storey front infill extension. Oakleigh, Ashwood Road
2025/0107: Certificate of Proposed Lawful Development for single-storey rear extension and existing roof alterations. Bay Tree House, 17 Dean Close
St John’s
2025/0102: Proposed conversion of garage into habitable accommodation and insertion of obscured side window. 147 Hermitage Woods Crescent
Surrey Heath County Council
Bisley & West End
25/0186/GPO: Prior Approval Notification under Schedule 2, Part 3, Class R, of Town and Country Planning Act (General Permitted Development) (England) Order 2015 (as amended) for Change of Use of Agricultural Buildings to flexible use within Commercial/Business/Service (Class E). Lucas Green Nurseries, Lucas Green Road
Windlesham & Chobham
25/0020/OOU: Outline application for 20 residential (Use Class C3) dwellings with new means of access off Broadley Green (all other matters reserved). Demolition of existing dwelling at 1 Broadley Green. Land south Of Beach House, Woodlands Lane
25/0024/LLB: Listed Building Consent for demolition of enclosed entrance porch, replacement of detached garage with garage extension, replacement of rear single-storey extensions with part two-storey, part single-storey rear and side extension and single-storey rear extension, replacement of concrete-based ground-floor with insulated limecrete, reconstruction of rear historic wall, replacement of non-historic windows, replacement of all services, reconfiguration of secondary staircase, removal of existing ground-floor non-historic bathroom and kitchenette, internal alterations (including wall removal and changes to position of openings and timber stripping), new front dormer, timber frame repairs roof and chimney repairs. Burr Hill Cottage, Little Heath Road
25/0163/FFU: Two-storey side/rear extension with internal alterations, fenestration changes, solar panels and replacement chimney, following part demolition of existing dwelling house and demolition of existing detached garage/flat. Beldam Lake House, Scotts Grove Road
25/0168/DTC: Submission of details to comply with condition 5 (method statement of demolition) attached to planning permission 24/1079/LLB for alterations involving conversion of existing garage to habitable accommodation, replacement of existing garage door to timber framed bi-fold doors, formation of new opening between existing kitchen and garage, partially blocking up serving hatch, and replacement of existing uPVC framed window to timber framed sash window. Dial House, 11 Windsor Road