Woking Borough Council
Byfleet & West Byfleet
2024/0825: Single-storey rear extension. 24 Rutson Road
2025/0089: Single-storey rear extension. 81 Oyster Lane
2025/0096: Single-storey side and rear extension following demolition of existing garage and conservatory. 80 Chertsey Road
2025/0093: Prior notification for single-storey rear extension to extend maximum depth of 6m, maximum height of 3.2m and maximum height of eaves of 3m. 88 Blackmore Crescent, Sheerwater
Goldsworth Park
2025/0085: Formation of new vehicular access, creation of new hardstanding and installation of EV charging point. 12 Colliers Close
HABREG/2025/0001: Approval under Regulation 75 of Conservation of Habitats and Species Regulations 2017 for application ref: PLAN/2024/0190 (Application for prior approval under Class Q, Part 3, Schedule 2 of Town and Country Planning (General Permitted Development) Order 2015 (as amended) for proposed change of use of steel framed agricultural building and timber store into two independent dwellings (Use Class C3) and associated operational development.) Runtley Wood Farm, Runtley Wood Lane, Sutton Green
2025/0086: Prior notification for single-storey rear extension to extend maximum depth of 7.7m, maximum height of 4m and maximum height of eaves of 3m. Bernisdale, Hook Heath Road
2025/0075: Part two-storey, part single-storey rear extension following demolition of conservatory. 39 Hawthorn Road
2025/0079: First-floor front and side extension over existing garage, part single-storey and part first-floor rear extension and partial conversion of garage into habitable accommodation. New section of rear garden wall and terrace, changes to side and rear fenestration and insertion of rooflight. 36 Waldens Park Road
2025/0099: Proposed two-storey, part single-storey rear extension with insertion of front and side rooflights. 1 Norman Villas , South Road,
Mount Hermon
2025/0055: Rear outbuilding. Yellowstones, 37A Heathside Road
2025/0087: Certificate of Proposed Lawful Development for side and rear dormer windows with front and side rooflights. Oakview, Pyrford Road
St John’s
2025/0082: Rear outbuilding following demolition of garage and replacement 1.8m high pedestrian gate for access. 59 Oakway
Surrey Heath Borough Council
Bisley & West End
25/0105/FFU: Two-storey rear extension , internal alterations and demolition of existing outbuildings. St Lucia, Lucas Green Road, West End
25/0142/FFU: Single-storey side and rear extension with new chimney and new front porch area. Replacement roof on existing garage. Erection of 2m fencing to rear and side boundary and front corner to be reduced to 4ft in height (Part retrospective). 34 Broad Street, West End
25/0150/DTC: Submission of details to comply with condition 4 (trees) attached to planning permission 24/1101/PMR for new entrance gates, boundary wall and fence. Land at Wilds and Wheatlands, The Folly, Lightwater
25/0152/FFU: Part single part two-storey front, side and rear extensions with associated internal alterations. 21 Cobbetts Walk, Bisley
25/0167/DTC: Submission of details to comply with condition 4 (Tree Protection) attached to planning permission 24/0244/FFU for single-storey rear extension with roof lights, following demolition of existing conservatory. Omega, Shaftesbury Road, Bisley
24/1173/FFU: Change of use of land for creation of 2 Gypsy/Traveller pitches comprising siting of 2 mobile homes, 2 touring caravans, and 2 utility blocks (total). Land south west of 1-6 South Farm Lane, Bagshot
25/0120/FFU: Single-storey side extension and conversion of garage into habitable space. 29 Keswick Drive,
Windlesham & Chobham
25/0056/FFU: Single-storey garage extension and demolition of additional garage. Woodhall Grange, Woodhall Lane, Sunningdale
25/0091/FFU: Retractable roof pergola structure with central glazed roof to replace existing timber covered pergola and timber arbour to rear beer garden terrace. Half Moon, Church Road, Windlesham
25/0099/FFU: First-floor side extension, single-storey rear link extension to existing outbuilding, conversion of existing outbuilding to habitable accommodation with single-storey rear extension and associated works. 2 Hillside Cottages, Broadway Road, Windlesham
25/0126/CEU: Certificate of lawfulness for commencement of planning permission 19/2146 for first side extension and part single part two-storey front and side extension, following demolition of conservatory. Meadow, Woodlands Lane, Windlesham
25/0135/PCM: Consultation application from Surrey County Council FO demolition and replacement of 15 no. single-storey utility blocks (this application determined by Surrey County Council under ref SCCRef-2025-0011 - this record for consultation only). Kalima Caravan Site, Chertsey Road, Chobham