Woking Borough Council has launched a public consultation regarding the future of the Sheerwater Regeneration Project.

Because of its severe financial challenges, the council has decided to end its development agreement with Thameswey, which is midway through the delivery of a 1,200-home, multi-phase regeneration scheme in Sheerwater.

Thameswey will continue to work on the three phases currently under construction but will not begin any new phases.

The council is writing to everyone who lives in or around the Sheerwater regeneration area – a total of 1,300 households – asking for their views on what should happen with the remainder of the site and the vacant properties previously earmarked for demolition.

Cllr Will Forster, Woking Borough Council’s deputy leader and portfolio holder for Sheerwater, said: “It’s bitterly disappointing that the council’s financial situation has put a stop to the plans for Sheerwater. 

“I feel immensely sad and frustrated for the residents who are living through the regeneration and are now once again, faced with a great deal of uncertainty.

“The council is committed to listening to the views of residents and wants to involve those living in Sheerwater in what happens next. 

“I want to know which properties they think are worth saving, and which parts of the estate they think could be sold for development.

“The views of residents will be presented to the council’s executive in the autumn alongside the findings of a project review by property experts Avison Young, which, together, will help us understand how we can achieve the best outcomes for Sheerwater.”

 Anyone with an interest in the Sheerwater Regeneration Project can take part in the consultation by visiting www.woking.gov.uk/sheerwaterfuture

Residents can return their completed surveys to the following participating venues where additional hard copies of the survey are available: the Eastwood Leisure Centre, MASCOT Hub in Dartmouth Avenue, Parkview Centre for the Community, Sheerwater Health Centre and St Michael’s church.

The consultation closes on Sunday, September 17, 2023.