THE developer behind plans to build a new Woking FC stadium and more than 1,000 adjacent flats has confirmed it is appealing against the decision of the borough council planning committee to reject the project.

GolDev, which submitted plans for the Kingfield project and a second, related, one in Egley Road, has served notice on the Government Planning Inspectorate and Woking Borough Council of its intention to appeal the refusal.

Wayne Gold, the GolDev managing director, told the News & Mail that the company believes it has a good chance of success.

“We also have an obligation to our investors. We have invested too much money to walk away,” Mr Gold said.

He said the appeal will be submitted towards the end of this month and that the hearing, which might be held in public, could take place in about seven months. Mr Gold said a decision could be expected in 12 months’ time.

He added he had contacted the South Woking Action Group (SWAG), which successfully campaigned against the plans, and offered to meet them to explain what is happening.

“I’m going to do things a bit differently and make myself more available to speak,” Mr Gold said.

Andy Caulfield, one of the SWAG organisers, said the group was not surprised that GolDev has decided to appeal.

“We have yet to see the grounds for appeal and find it hard to understand how they will undermine such a comprehensive planning committee decision,” Mr Caulfield said.

He said he looked forward to opening dialogue with Mr Gold.

“If he’s hoping to build bridges and perhaps willing to modify aspects of the plans, then we’d be open to that,” Mr Caulfield said.

For more on this story, get the 15 October edition of the Woking News & Mail, in shops from Thursday