A three-year-old female rabbit is looking for a loving forever home after an unhappy experience.

Ginger-and-white Maple came to RSPCA Millbrook in Chobham via an inspector after she was discovered living in awful conditions with her six babies.

“She had no space or access to food or water so was very skinny,” said Millbrook’s Debbie Pearce. “However, she has put on loads of weight and is now looking for her new forever home.

“Despite all of this Maple is a super-sweet girl who loves a good cuddle and stroke. She doesn't mind being picked up, however she could still do with some work when it comes to that.

“Maple has just been spayed so she can now live with a lonely neutered male rabbit but she will need to live in separate accommodation whilst the bonding process takes place.

“Maple loves her food, and loves munching on her fruit and veg as well as her hay and grass.

“Her accommodation will need to be a 3m x 2m x 1m hutch and run (attached at all times). Rabbits are active and need to be able to hop, run, jump, dig and stretch out fully when lying down.

“They'll need enough room to exercise and stand up fully on their back legs without their ears touching the roof.

“Maple will need constant access to safe hiding places to escape if she is feeling worried.

“Rabbits are intelligent and inquisitive. If they're bored, they may suffer, so they'll need daily exercise to stay fit, healthy and enriched.”

If you are interested in providing a home for Maple, visit www.rspca-millbrook.org to complete an application form which will be emailed automatically to Millbrook. Please remember that application does not guarantee adoption.