A CLEVER black and white cat called Dave is 
looking for a stimulating forever home.

The two-year-old shorthair, pictured, is living at RSPCA Millbrook in Chobham, where he has proved a big hit with staff and volunteers.

Millbrook’s Debbie Pearce said: “Dave is such a character. He is a super sweet boy and is very 
enthusiastic when you enter his pen – he will rub all over you and want fuss.

“However, he sometimes gets a bit too excited when being stroked. He gets quite fixated on scents, which causes him to nip, and he has been known to climb on your shoulders and head. We think he is a frustrated youngster who has yet to learn some boundaries and manners.

“The best way we have found to interact with Dave is to play with him. He loves to play and is great fun when he gets going.

“We are clicker training him. This engages him in something other than trying to climb all over us.

“We use puzzle feeders and LickiMats at dinner time to keep his brain occupied as he is very clever. Not providing him with enough mental stimulation could lead to frustration.

“Due to Dave being in poor living conditions 
before he came to us, we suspect he is a carrier of cat flu. Although he is showing no signs of it, other cats from his previous home have been. We 
recommend that new owners research cat flu.

“He is not the cat for everyone. He will fare better with people who are cat-savvy and maybe have had quirky cats before. New owners will need to try to keep up the work we are doing.

“Dave will need to be the only pet in his new home and could live with older children who have been around cats before.”

If you are interested in providing a forever home for Dave, visit www.rspca-millbrook.org.uk to 
complete an online application form which will be emailed automatically to Millbrook. Application does not guarantee adoption.
guarantee adoption.