St. John’s Lye became a hive of activity when 1st St John’s Scout Group hosted the annual Village Fete and Fun Dog Show.

Fine weather, food, drink and activities drew in the crowds for what one local resident later commented was the “best one in 40 years, with so much on offer for everyone”.

Families brought picnic blankets to set themselves up for the afternoon and student bands from The Winston Churchill School performed music. Alexandra Dance Co. and GKR Karate also provided lively entertainment.

Winston Churchill School students performing
Winston Churchill School students performing (1st St Johns Scout Group)
St John's Village Fete 2024
Best in Show (1st St Johns Scout Group)

The Fun Dog Show was very popular again with a record number of entries, and the Musical Hoops class had competitors and audience members laughing.

Food and refreshments were on offer with a BBQ and pizza van run by the Scouts, American home cooking from Rocky's Home Cookin and beer from Horsell Brewery thanks to St. John's Working Man's Club and more.

Woking mayor Louise Morales, was shown around by 1st St. John’s Scout Group chairman Steve Pope and was asked to draw tickets for the raffle. She later told the fete committee that everyone she had spoken to had only good things to say about the event.

Dancers delighted the crowds with their moves
Alexandra Dance Co. delighted the crowds with their moves (1st St Johns Scout Group)

The fete is 1st St. John’s Scout Group’s annual and only fundraiser. Proceeds enable the Group to purchase and replace equipment such as tents, kayaks and other camping equipment.

Generosity from local companies, some of whom have supported the Group for years and a healthy injection of new donors. Has ensured that certain features of the fete such as the bouncy castles, food for the BBQ, raffle items and plants for the plant stall have all been sponsored.

The committee are also looking for new members, who can offer their time between November and June and participate in meetings. If anyone is interested, email [email protected].

St John's Village Fete 2024
There were plenty of food options available including sweet treats (1st St Johns Scout Group)