All six parliamentary candidates for Woking came together recently for a hustings at my own church, Woking URC. The building was full of members of the public who had submitted questions and I was tasked with moderating the on-stage discussion.

Each candidate laid out their position and responded to the questions. But the debate sometimes got heated. Accusations and criticisms flew in various directions. It was certainly not a boring evening!

Our church is a good location for a public event like this – a large, central venue which welcomes people of all political persuasions through its doors. However, we are also unapologetic about what we do stand for.

A large wooden cross hangs above the stage where the candidates debated. The cross reminds us that the almighty God of the universe chose to become small and powerless when he came in Jesus. He even surrendered himself to death to show us what truly sacrificial love looks like.

Whoever becomes our next leader, I pray that they will follow the example of Jesus, who demonstrated that true leadership is about serving others, not ourselves.

Justin Brierley

Woking United Reformed Church