CHRISTMAS is almost upon us and that must mean it’s nearly the end of the year. Scrap that, because it’s nearly the end of the decade.

The next time we speak we’ll be in the Twenties. If you’re anything like me, then you’ll say it every year but where on earth did the time go?

Thankfully we’re not quite there yet and we still have the festivities to look forward to.

For once, I’ve been happy that people started Christmas in November. It was a nice distraction from all the election news and propaganda.

Hopefully I’ll be able to find a bit of time to get out and go fishing.

When I was a young teenager I used to have a Christmas Eve tradition. I’d jump on my bike, cycle down to the river and fish for pike in the afternoon until it got dark. Then I’d head home and enjoy a hot chocolate in front of the TV with my family.

I never really used to catch that many on 24 December. But it was lovely to be out, which is of course the main reason I like going fishing at any time of year.

We’ve had so much rain lately that I wonder if all the fish have been flushed away in the raging rivers.

I’m sure there’ll be one or two that are a dab hand at keeping ahead of the game and are tucking themselves away from harm.

The fish in the lakes, on the other hand, will no doubt be very happy at all the extra water that’s topping up their home.

By all accounts the extra water has seen some good fishing results at the lakes, with carp, roach, perch and bream making regular appearances.

However, the large pike have been a bit more elusive. They have been snapping at baits and dropping them very quickly, which has been creating frustration for those anglers in search of “the one that got away”.

Membership of Woking & District Angling Association is available all year round.

So if you have a friend or loved one who has everything and you don’t know what to buy them for Christmas, then why not treat them to a membership of the association? Provided they have an interest in fishing, of course, otherwise you might find yourself off their Christmas card list next year.

Until next time. Have a wonderful Christmas and peaceful new year. See you in 2020.

VISIT the association’s website at

To read Jack's full article, get the 5 December News & Mail