THE Yvonne Arnaud Theatre reopens on Thursday 3 June with its own production of a new comedy, Siobhan Basset’s the Hound of the Baskervilles.

Lovingly crafted during lockdown in her spare bedroom in Teddington, Siobhan Basset (Sara Crowe) is delighted to bring her magnum opus to the stage.

In order to adhere, both physically and fiscally, to government measures, the production stars her husband, Michael (Stefan Bednarczyk) and may have to be achieved without set, crew, lights and sound – and potentially without an audience.

Sara is known for her numerous film, TV and stage performances, including The Entertainer, Private Lives, Calendar Girls, Acorn Antiques: The Musical, and also her screen role of Laura in the classic romantic comedy, Four Weddings and a Funeral.

Stefan Bednarczyk is an actor, musical director and cabaret performer. As an actor, his work includes a year-long run opposite Gene Wilder in 23rd Floor, the West End premiere of Noel Coward’s Semi-Monde and The Games of Love and Chance.

Sara said: “I am delighted to be opening Siobhan Basset's The Hound of the Baskervilles at the Yvonne Arnaud. This beautiful theatre has played a big part in my life, from joining the Youth Theatre as a teenager to many subsequent visits there with touring productions over the years.

“But surely the icing on the cake is the wonderful support Joanna Read and the team at the Yvonne Arnaud have given me for a new creation, which has come out of a time of great difficulty for all.

“I think there will be high spirits as theatre slowly starts to reopen, where all the creative pursuits which were fostered during lockdowns will come bursting to life. And just like when the theatres reopened after the plague and the blitz, they truly will come back even stronger – and something we have all hoped for has not been lost, but will come storming back. It will be exhilarating to be back on stage again,” she added.

The theatre’s director and chief executive, Joanna Read said: ‘I’m proud that we’re reopening this summer with our very own production, after another long period of closure. This is an Yvonne Arnaud production through and through, and I can’t wait to share it with audiences.”

The show continues until Saturday 12 June. For details and ticket prices, visit