Surrey County Council ‘s (SCC) new chief executive from Wiltshire has started in his new role.

Terence Herbert officially commenced his duties on Monday, August 19 and was previously chief executive at Wiltshire Council from 2020.

He has held various senior leadership roles including Head of Service for Safeguarding, Associate Director for Children’s Services, Executive Director for Children & Families, Leisure & Communities, Corporate Services and HR & Organisational Development, and Chief Executive Officer for People. 

“Important work lies ahead as the organisation continues its transformation amidst challenging times for local government,” Mr Herbert said. 

“I know that together with the leader, members, staff and our partners we are well equipped to deal with those challenges and build upon much of the great work the authority has done to date.  

“Throughout my time in local government I have always understood the importance of cultivating a motivated, ambitious, high-performing workforce and that will be no different here.

“I look forward to working with the talented staff at the council to deliver quality services and outcomes for the residents and businesses of Surrey.” 

Terence began his career as a Registered Mental Nurse and then qualified as a social worker. Taking up posts in children’s services at the London Borough of Lewisham, Royal Borough of Kensington and Chelsea, and North Somerset Council. 

SCC Leader Tim Oliver commented: “I have no doubt he is the right person to lead us through our next phase of improved delivery of the vital services that our residents depend upon.”