MUMS who take part in a local fitness boot camp completed their own version of the Tough Mudder Challenge to raise £1,193 for Shooting Star Children's Hospices.

Seventeen members of the Squat2Fit group and some of their children took part in a five-kilometre run around Woking Park on Sunday. On the way, they negotiated obstacles including mini-hurdles, did army crawls and scaled a spider’s web climbing frame.

The event, arranged by group leader Kim Valente, was a consolation for the 10 members who had entered the gruelling Tough Mudder event planned for September but is postponed for a year because of the pandemic.

“The weather was perfect for running, dry with some sunny spells,” said Kim. “We had a great turn out from our members. Thirty came along, many with their families, and 17 took part.

“Those who didn’t run helped with setting up and marshalling, and it was wonderful to see the children all cheering the mums on.”

For more on this story, and a picture spread of the event, see the 30 July edition of the News & Mail, in shops tomorrow