A PAIR of Woking cousins are growing moustaches in the Movember challenge, hoping to raise £1,000 for the Woking & Sam Beare Hospices.

Sam Wakefield and Joe Chantry came up with the idea when they went out for a joint family dinner and their wives and children complained that neither had shaved.

“We said, ‘right then, we’ll do Movember for the hospices’,” Sam said.

Sam, who was born in Westfield and recently moved to Ash, owns Woking Roofing and frequently works alongside Joe, who owns CBC Builders and lives in Old Woking.

“We chose the hospice because several of my wife’s family have been helped by them and she has run the London Marathon to raise funds,” Sam said.

The original target was £200, but more than £300 was pledged within a couple of weeks and so the cousins have set a new goal.

Sam’s wife, also called Sam, told the News & Mail: “Don’t laugh at the photos - I actually have to go out with him looking like that!”

To donate to Sam and Joe’s challenge, visit    https://www.justgiving.com/fundraising/sam-joe0.

For the full story get the 21 November edition of thee News & Mail