More than 8,000 toys have been donated to The Forgotten Toys Christmas appeal in Woking.

Victoria Place has announced a spectacular final total of 8,020 toys, which will be donated this week to three local charities: Sebastian’s Action Trust, The Children’s Trust and The Lighthouse.

The charities will in turn distribute all the pre-loved toys to children who can love them once again, just in time for Christmas.

Last year some 2,800 toys were donated, a figure quickly eclipsed as the campaign, off to a flying start, once again captured the public’s imagination. 

The focus of the appeal was again on pre-loved toys, but the centre also saw a huge amount of additional kindness as visitors bought new gifts on site to donate to the appeal.

One gentleman, whose son died 30 years ago, does something special every Christmas in his memory: this year he bought £100 worth of brand-new toys to donate.

All the donations show how important giving back is for people this year.

John Paul Jackson, centre manager, said: “We’re hugely grateful for the generosity everyone has shown towards our Forgotten Toys appeal. 

“These donations are so vital at a time when the pressure of living costs is so real for so many. 

“We wish all our customers a very happy and healthy Christmas and new year, and hope you will enjoy everything on offer at Victoria Place this festive season.”

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