WHAT makes the likes of Fred and Rose West tick, why do women fall in love with serial killers and how common are homicidal fantasies?

These are the questions true crime speaker Jennifer Rees will explore on a visit to G Live, Guildford, this Wednesday, 18 January.

Her talk The Psychology of Serial Killers will explain how serial killers are classified, and explain the differences between lust killers like the BTK (Bind, Torture, Kill) Killer and visionary killers such as David Berkowitz (Son of Sam).

Using case studies, Jennifer will also discuss the typical differences between male and female serial killers, the phenomenon of killer couples and the clinical knowledge surrounding why serial killers gain admirers, fan mail, and even spouses in light of their atrocious crimes.

She will also debunk serial killer myths, and reveal the results of research into how common are homicidal fantasies. The talk will include a time-lapse video of facial reconstruction on the skull of a discovered body, to illustrate how victims are identified.