Horsell Village Show
Colourful stalls aplenty caught the eye at the show (HVS)

Horsell Village Show
Concentration and a steady hand were vital when it came to this challenge (HVS)

Horsell Village Show
Don't be shy! A youngster tries his hand at winning a coconut (HVS)

The day of the Horsell Village Show dawned to sunshine, fluffy white clouds decorating the sky and perfect temperatures.

McLaren HVS
The McLaren F1 display car made an eye-catching return to the show after a gap of more than 10 years (HVS)

A big attraction was the McLaren F1 display car, which had not been seen at the show since 2013. The grand prix theme was continued with a silent auction for a McLaren cap signed by drivers Lando Norris and Oscar Piastri, which attracted a top bid of £500.

With 450 exhibits of a high standard on display, the judges had the difficult task of selecting the winners.

The best exhibit in show award went to Issy Metcalfe, who was presented with the Sesquicentennial trophy by Colin Kemp.

Ann Barrick received the Horsell Village Show (HVS) Growers Trophy for most points in Divisions A & B (vegetables and fruit and flowers) and was awarded the HVS Champion Cup as top-scorer.

Ben Lay took the HVS Fruit & Vegetable Trophy with Jonathan Mullin awarded the HVS Golden Jubilee Shield for photography.

Congratulations to all the winners at the show!

There was delightful dancing from Summerscales Performing Arts and music from the bands. Mr Marvel provided entertainment for the children, who loved his magic tricks and Punch & Judy Show.

Families enjoyed the craft stalls, participating in games manned by local Guides and trying their luck with the bottle tombola and raffle.

Sustenance came in the shape of burgers, Dee’s Kitchen, teas and ice cream. And the warm weather resulted in Thurston’s beer selling out and extra supplies of ice being brought in for the Pimm’s!

Visitors to the show went home tired but happy, leaving volunteers to take down marquees and clear up.

The committee were very grateful for the wonderful help from the community, to all the judges and competitors, the entertainers, the stallholders, assistance with catering and, of course, to those who attended to ensure the day was such a success.